More Things To Do In Barbados What to see and do in St. John | Codrington College, 423-1140. An Anglican Theological College, first opened in 1745, it was bequeathby Christopher Codrington III to the Society for the Propagation of theGospel. Students come from all over the West Indies to study in thepeace and tranquility of this lovely old place. "It is an architecturaland historical gem." | St. John's Church. This Anglican Church stands on the edge of a cliff which affords amagnificent view of the island’s east coast. The present building is150 years old. This church, like most churches on the Island wasdestroyed by the hurricane of 1831 and rebuilt in 1836. Following thehurricanes of 1780 and 1831, the current building was constructed in1836. It is also said that, on a clear day, one can see the neighbouring islands from the Church Tower. The tomb of Ferdinando Paellologus, a descendant of the last GreekEmperor, is situated in the graveyard. | What to see and do in St. Joseph | Cotton Tower. A 19th century signalling station now maintained by the Barbados National Trust as a historic site, was one in a chain of stations set up by the British Army. Information was passed from station to station. | Hunte's Gardens, explore Anthony Hunte's garden, where plants, animals and birds meet. | St. Joseph's Parish Church, Horse Hill, on Hwy 3. This Anglican Church, near the Cotton Tower Signal Station was builtprior to 1641 but was allegedly destroyed by the hurricane of 1780. Itis certain that the Church which existed in 1831 was destroyed by thehurricane of that year. At this time, a new site was chosen and a newChurch was built and it is this building which exists today. | Flower Forest, St. Joseph, 433-8152. Linger among fragrant flowering bushes, canna and ginger lilies,puffball trees, and more than 100 other species of tropical flora in acool, tranquil forest of flowers and other plants. A path winds throughthe grounds of this former sugar plantation. Snack bar and Gift Shop are on site. | Joe's River Tropical Rain Forest, 425-1200. Covering about 85 acres of woodlands with Hackleton's Cliff on one sideand the picturesque Atlantic Ocean on the other. You can wander throughthe rainforest with giant ficus, citrifolia, white woods, cabbage palmtrees and mahogany trees. | Andromeda Botanic Gardens, 433-9384. The garden was started as a private plant collection in 1954. There areover six hundred different species of plants on view. The Gardens boastone of the most extensive collections of tropical plants in Barbados. | What to see and do in St. Lucy | St. Lucy's Parish Church, Nessfield. St. Lucy is the first Church in existence in 1629. It was built oftimber and was destroyed by the hurricane. A second Church was built in1741 of sawn stone. This was destroyed by the hurricane of 1780. Thethird Church was also destroyed by hurricane in 1831. The presentChurch was built in 1837, and is essentially Georgian. It has a galleryrunning continuously on the North, West and Southern sides.Animal Flower Caves, 439-8797. Called flowers because of the coloured sea anemone or terrestrial flowers living in the pools. Waves of the Atlantic Ocean constantly smash into the cliffs, quite spectacular! You can walk into and swim in the caves. You may be lucky to catch a glimpse of whales swimming in the distance. Purchase gifts, refreshing drinks and light snacks. | -
 - Codrington College
|  - Cotton Tower
| |  - Heliconia, Andromeda Botanic Gardens
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 - Looking out of Animal Flower Cave (Photo by Gary Bembridge)
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